Arthroscopy Surgery In Ahmedabad

Partial Knee Replacement in Ahmedabad

What Is Arthroscopy Or Key Hole Surgery?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery performed by an experienced and expert orthopedic surgeon to visualize inside the joints to diagnose and treat. It is one of the most advanced treatment procedures for treating joint problems.

In Keyhole surgery, the narrow tube containing a fiber-optic camera ( arthroscope) is inserted into any orthopedic joints from a buttonhole-sized small incision to visualize and diagnose the problems.

Often, arthroscopy is done on the knee, hip, shoulder, wrist, spine, and elbow.

Types Of Knee Arthroscopy/Key Hole Surgeries

  • Knee Arthroscopy Surgery

Knee arthroscopy or keyhole surgery is a surgical procedure that permits surgeons to view the knee joints without making a large incision. In arthroscopy, surgical instruments used are very thin, and very small incisions are required.

  • Elbow Arthroscopy

Aging, injuries, and overuse of joints are the reasons for elbow problems. Elbow arthroscopy relieves the pain and other problems that can damage the cartilage surfaces and soft tissues.

  • Hand & Wrist Arthroscopy

Chronic Wrist pain, fractures, and wear and tears can cause painful experiences that are not curable with noninvasive and nonsurgical treatments. Wrist arthroscopy would be the less painful and minimally invasive solution with quick recovery time.

  • Shoulder Arthroscopy

The cuff over shoulder joint is formed by a group of muscles called the rotator cuff and their tendons. The tendons can tear when injured and overused. Shoulder arthroscopy helps in examining and repairing the tissues of shoulder joints

  • Hip Arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy is performed on the acetabulofemoral joint through an arthroscope with minimally invasive surgery to clean and replace the damaged tissues from Hip joints, reshape bones, and repair tears.

  • Ankle Arthroscopy

Alternative to ankle arthrodesis, Ankle replacement surgery is performed to relieve joint inflammation, or pain and swelling in the ankle and foot due to Ankle arthritis, Ankle fractures, and Ankle instability.

Why Do You Need Arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy surgery is a modern surgical procedure with a small incision. Many times It is a replacement for classic open surgery. Arthroscopy or keyhole surgery has a quick recovery period with minimum surgery time. All movements changing the position of the skeleton take place at the joints. Overuse, aging, fracture, tear, or injuries to joints can create a painful experience and hinder the mobility of the patient.

Orthopedic surgeons primarily recommend non invasive methods like painkillers and other non-surgical physiotherapy for the treatment of pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Arthroscopy Surgery is recommended to diagnose and treat diseases and problems that could harm the articular cartilage, ligaments, and other muscles and structures around the joint.

Why PMG Hospital Is The Best For Arthroscopy Surgery In Ahmedabad, Gujarat?

PMG Hospital is an Orthopedics hospital located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It is one of the best Orthopedic Hospitals in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and offers services like Arthroscopic Surgery, Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery, Trauma surgeries, ACL reconstruction, etc.

The team at PMG Hospital consists of well-trained, trained, and experienced orthopedic medical staff. We make sure you get the best results for your joint replacement surgery in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

PMG’s vision is to be the best orthopedic hospital in India, and with this vision, our center of excellence is equipped with global facilities for our local and international clientele.

How Long Does It Take To Recover After Arthroscopy?

Recovery after any kind of Arthroscopy surgery varies depending on the type of procedure done. Usually, patients can go home on the same day of surgery but many times surgeons recommend a hospital stay for 2-3 days

To get the complete recovery, it can take about 1 week to several months. This can depend on several factors, such as the affected joint – for example, knee arthroscopy tends to have a longer recovery time than wrist arthroscopy.

Recovery time also depends on the health condition of the patient before the surgery. Patients who have had previous surgeries or other medical conditions will require longer recovery periods.


Dr. Hiren Patel M.S (ORTHO.)

joint Replacement Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

I firmly believe in giving you a specialised level of care. After guiding you through the diagnostic procedures and investigations, we can start putting together a treatment strategy, which may include surgery as an option. Feel free to book an appointment.